Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Ujamaa- Cooperative Economics

You can only become truly accomplished at something you love. Don't make money your goal. Instead, pursue the things you love doing, and then do them so well that people can't take their eyes off you.
- Maya Angelou

Cooperative economics is to build and maintain our own stores, shops, and other businesses, and to profit from them collectively.
We as a community should pride ourselves in building wealth that will benefit the greater good.
As a community, we should invest in a solid foundation of education, healthcare, and agriculture.
With our investments in these areas, hopefully we will be able to build job security, quality over quantity, reassurance in the abilities of our people, and overall restore our faith in each and ourselves.

Monday, December 28, 2009

Ujima- Collective Work & Responsibility

Responsibility is the price for greatness.
-Winston Churchill

Collective work and responsibility, the power of many helps to build and maintain our community! We are responsible and accountable for not only our own individual actions but as a whole community, for we are a collective unit.
We take our neighbor's problems and make them our problems, in order to reach a positive solution.
In an era that prides itself on individuality, we have forgotten that unity builds a community and that that same unity is the very foundation in which our families, churches, and nations are formed upon.
On this night we are responsible for committing ourselves and holding each other accountable for striving towards a stronger community and race equipped to handle an ever-changing society.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

A Touching Story

Unconditional love is hard to find nowadays but its out there. Summer 2008 Padma Soundararajan lost her mother, father, and her two teenage sisters to a head-on car accident in India during a family visit. Padma now 30 placed her life on hold to care for her two brothers, one with autism and the other one who has serve cerebral palsy. Rather than to abandon her brothers and leave them in the care of others, Padma has taken on being the second mother. Although it is not easy, with the help of friends and neighbors, coupled with a strong love for family; The Soundararajans are living and thriving well in southern Maryland. Read the this touching story by following the link:


Kujichagulia- Self-Determination

See first that the design is wise and just; that ascertained, purse it resolutely.
- William Shakespeare

Self-determination means to define ourselves, name ourselves, create for ourselves, and speak for ourselves.
We are accountable for speaking over our own reality, for uplifting our spirit to achieve!
God gave us a name, it is up to us to define what that name will mean in this world.
It is our duty to make known unto ourselves, our niche, in our family, community, and race.
Today we need reflect on our defining mark in this world and plan accordingly for the upcoming year.
How are we perceived? How do we want to be perceived?
What will we do to create the image we envision for ourselves and our children?

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Man of the Week

This dark-chocolate man of the week is Atlanta Falcons Fullback Ovie Mughelli

Umoja- Unity

The Strongest bond of human Sympathy outside the family relation, should be one uniting working people of all nations, tongues, and kindreds.
-Abraham Lincoln

We should strive for and maintain unity within our family, community, nation, and race.
On this night we celebrate the commitments that we have made to those that will not only strengthen them, but more importantly, our own individual selves.
Tonight, we should renew our commitment to build a stronger people and a stronger nation! This year especially we have forgot that we cannot do everything by ourselves! Divided we achieve nothing and in the end all we do is hurt ourselves.
Tonight let us reflect on the unity which moved our ancestors from the valleys of despair to the mountain tops of glory.
Let us remember the power that we have together as one to slay the giants of poverty, homelessness, HIV/AIDS, abuse, molestation, rape, despair, poor education, and prejudice.
Let bind in unity to achieve!

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Hat off to the Queens

to the Queen of Comedy Mo'Nique and rising star Gabourey Sidibe
for their Golden Globe Nominations

Life is hard. Life is short. Life is painful. Life is rich. Life is....Precious

The Power of One

" For a long time, we had officials who just posed all day, and I was determined to get things done." - David A. Catania
Tuesday December 15, 2009 marked a huge landmark for not only the GLBT community but for David Catania as well. The DC Council with a 11-2 to vote passed the same-sex marriage bill which will allow hundreds of couples to enjoy the same rights as their heterosexual counterparts. This victory comes as a surprise in a city where conservatism still reigns over the hundreds of political pawns in the Chocolate city. However a person who should be proud of their hard-work and effort is David Catania. 12 years ago Catania, a Republican, was elected to the DC Council. 12 years ago no one including, Catania believed, that they would see the day when same-sex marriage would become a reality. At the age of 41 and now an member of the Independent party, Catania with the help of thousands of supporters, have achieved what very few Metropolitan cities wish they could do for their gay & lesbian constituents
So now what is to become of the bill and the city of DC? Now that the Council has passed the bill, Mayor Adrian Fenty has to sign the bill, which he has promised to sign before Christmas. After the Executive signature, the bill must go under a 30-day legislative review in order to become an official law and the 6th location in the United States to legalize same-sex marriage. True, this is a milestone but there still is more work to be done and barriers to pass.
Analysts from the Office of the Chief Financial Officer estimates if the bill passes into law, that in the next 3-years over 10,000 same-sex couples could get married in the District; 2,000 of which are already Metropolitan residents. From those statistics the District could generate over $20 million dollars in same-sex marriages alone in one fiscal year! (Can we say pay increase maybe for District government workers?!?!?) Of course there is always backlash when it comes to matters such as same-sex marriage. Many organizations and religious leaders have spoken their distaste in the bill. The Archbishop has even threatened to end services to the homeless and poor in DC because of the same-sex bill. What the homeless and poor have to do with any of this, is the million-dollar question of the day!
At the end of the day rather you agree or disagree with same-sex marriage, from this story we can all learn the power of one. Catania, although at time his tactics were radical, he still pushed his and thousands of Americans' agenda to victory. Sometimes it only takes one catalyst to spark a whole reaction!

Man of the Week

This week is the cute and talented Trey Songz! From his mixtape to new album, Trigga has been serving it up lately to his customers!

Monday, November 16, 2009

Separate and Still NOT Equal

Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal passed legislation that would allow Louisiana students to opt out of the state’s standard curriculum (with parental consent) and enroll into a lower education-intensive program. Portrayed as an avenue toward a high school diploma, it is segmenting a generation and forever excluding them from true prosperity. The alternative program described as a “Career Track” is designed to introduce these students to “blue collar” jobs that they would be eligible for immediately after high school. Students are not required to pass the state’s standardized test for the eighth grade nor are they required to display competence in English or Mathematics to be promoted to the ninth grade. In other words, we have an example of a state government that is more concerned with graduation rates than the quality of the diploma.

Why would a state pass legislation to prepare students for blue collar and low-level jobs that will not exist in 25-30 years? The lowered levels established to obtain this diploma would preclude that these students will not have the necessary skills to transition with the natural progression of our global economy which inevitably will leave them confined to the lower class. Commonsense would advocate increased parental involvement and have additional educational-support programs for struggling demographics to meet current educational standards. Granted this provides a solution to increase the graduation rate from 40% for black students, but to do so at the expense of our communities educational standards is a civil injustice.

In effect Gov. Jindal has decided that these students, current and future, will not aspire to achieve educational excellence beyond a high school diploma so he has given them an easy option. In addition, he has instituted intellectual class warfare on minority communities…and we are losing. If there was ever a sign to enact change, this is it. From the outside looking in one would think that if we settled for broken homes with absent fathers, a code in which respect is earned by the amount of time served in prison and an overall slow deterioration of black society then it would be no surprise that we would settle for lowered educational standards as well. Our history is filled with times that we have proven doubters wrong. This time I hope we challenge ourselves to step up and prove that we are better than what statistics state we are instead of doing what we are expected to do and literally dumb it down.

Friday, October 30, 2009

Monday, October 19, 2009

Failing Hearts in a Failing City

Rates of HIV/AIDS in DC is 10 times higher than the national average!

Since 2003, the Government of the District of Columbia has been trying to combat, education, and support the millions of known and unknown HIV/AIDS patients with in the metropolitan area. For about 10 months now, The Washington Post has been documenting and following the story of how non-profit organizations and other local business have abused and misappropriated funds. The Post reports one in three of DC's AIDS dollars earmarked for local groups in recent years went to organizations cited for falsified documentation, few or no clients, incomplete spending records or not running any AIDS programs whatsoever. And, while all is going down the residents of DC living with HIV/AIDS is still struggling and begging for adequate care and support. The stories that you read in the Post articles are breathe-taking, eye-opening, and scary! With all the talk about the overhaul of the our healthcare system its amazing how in the seat of our nation's government we can't even mange or even begin to mange the HIV/AIDS epidemic.

Here is a brief synopsis of this gripping piece of journalism:

Over ten months, the Washington Post analyzed the spending, services, and finances of every specialized AIDS organization funded by D.C.'s HIV/AIDS Administration from 2004-2008, an estimated 90 groups, building a database from tax returns, audits, lawsuits, real estate records, D.C. Council records, and corporate and police reports. The Post also obtained grant agreements, invoices and government correspondence for about 60 of these groups. The newspaper interviewed dozens of people with HIV or AIDS patients, their families and service provide

Check it out at:

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Lady GaGa vs. Madonna...LOL

When Will Love Conquer All?

you said you'd never go away
but your gone and, I'm right back where I used be
wondering if you were for me!

One of life's greatest mysteries is will we ever find true love? We search high and low looking for the "one" and when we do for some it marks the beginning of a beautiful journey, but for most of us when we find true love our journeys are marked with joy but the road is often rocky. Rather you are gay or lesbian or a straight interracial couple, your right to love, find love, or to express that love is ill-considered, injudicious, undesirable, just plain Wrong! You would have thought that after the landmark Loving v. Virginia, which declared the ending of race-based restrictions on marriage, that in 2009 a loving interracial couple would be denied to express their love in the beauty of marriage all because of some racist and insensitive bastards.

A representative from the National Black Justice Coalition states it best:

“Time and again we have seen public officials discriminate against loving, committed couples and claim that their discrimination is really motivated by concern for children. That justification is wrong when it’s used to deny marriage to a couple on the basis of their race. It’s wrong when it’s used to prevent committed gay and lesbian couples from being able to marry. And it’s our responsibility to speak out against it, whenever it happens.

“Every child who is a minority faces discrimination, exclusion and oppression at some point in their lives. It is actions like those of this state official – refusing to marry a loving couple because of personal prejudice – that perpetuate the discrimination and racism that continue to pervade our culture.

A speaking of children, there are thousands of children born to interracial parents who grow up to be strong, independent and productive citizens of the United States! HELO LOOK AT PRESIDENT OBAMA!!! I wonder what would happen if the shoe was on the other foot? If these racist and homophobia pricks were shunned because of who they loved? I just don't understand when will we look beyond race, gender, sexual orientation, or age and just see that we all in this beautiful struggle in the human condition. When will America start taking accountability for their actions and actually right their wrongs and live up to the notion that all men are created equal by their CREATOR, not by Keith Bardwell or Congress, or any other bastard! Hopefully one day the light will come to the darkness like an epiphany, and that at the end of the day love will conquer all!

Man of the Week

Reggie Bush of the New Orleans Saints can you say sexxxy chocolate!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Walk Talk

This past weekend was packed with not only fun but for a near and dear purpose to millions throughout the world. Hundreds of thousands, including myself and my best friend, painted DC rainbow as we all marched, walked, sang, and shouted for equality. Appearances by many figures in the LGBT community as well as President Obama and Lady GaGa showed up and showed out for the various events to promote equality for all not matter what race, gender, or sexual preference. Check out President Obama's address at the Human Rights Campaign National Dinner.

Man of the Week

I'm a little late but last week's man was of course none other than President Barack Obama. The man has got it going on. President, Noble Laureate, Cute what more can I, I mean Michele ask for.

The New Miseducation of the Negro

One of the most prominent Black historians of all time, Carter G. Woodson wrote a profound statement on Negro education entitled, The Miseducation of the Negro. Written over 70 years ago his belief was that Black Americans are indoctrinated, rather than taught, in American schools. This conditioning, he claims, causes African-Americans to become dependent and to seek out inferior places in the greater society of which they are a part. That was back in 1933 when the youth of America gave a damn about education. Fast forwarded to 2009 and you get a whole new set of Negroes and a whole new mindset. In my 8th week of fully being in the trenches as an American educator I have come to believe, at least from majority of my students and from other soldiers in the struggle and their students, today's youth especially the Negro child does not care to learn! As painful as it was for me to write that, it is sadly, the truth. I don't know what happened or how we came to this point as a community but it is a damn shame when most of my students say day in and day out: "man, school is boring why can't we learn about what we see on the tv?" "I ain't going to college!" "Why should I care about English, Science, and Math, what does that have to do with me?" I be listening to what you saying and get it too but I just don't care."

About a week ago I had a heated debate with an associate about how things have turned out here in DC public schools since its reduction in force. He said something that struck my nerve to the core, he said all students want to learn! Now deep down in my heart I want to be believe that but its just not true. Now I would modify that and say a handful of students in today's generation want to learn. Achievement is a function of effort not innate ability, meaning success is worked for not giving out right, until these kids understand that they will not realize the potential that they are born with. These are by far the most incompetent, most destructive, most disrespectful, non-working group of kids that I have ever met! There seems to be no moral or social system in place in these kids lives, and who is to blame? Where has the ball been dropped?

Most people want to put all of the blame and responsibility on the teachers and you know what that is definitely not true or fair. Teachers do factor into the equation but there are other variables that influence how these children behave! How about their parents and other family members? How about the communities, neighborhoods, and environments they live in? How about the negative images on tv? or better yet how about the students themselves? They are old enough to know the difference between right and wrong, how to behave, and what is expected from them when it comes to school and work. But they don't see the big picture! They don't understand the blood, sweat, and tears that were and still labored and sacrificed for them to sit in half-way decent classrooms and have some tools to learn. They do not understand that they are not getting this education for them but for someone else, opening the door for someone, encouraging someone else. All in all they just don't give damn about education!

So what is the solution? How do move these children out of learned helplessness and into a position of positivity and self-motivation? I don't know and many of colleagues do not know and many parents do not know and students alike do not know, so who the fuck knows?!?!? When will some of the variables in the equation start taking ownership for their role in the demise of the Negro in education? I know one thing Dr. Woodson was and still is right; welcome to the new miseducation of the Negro!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

When Life Imitates Art

A few weeks ago I revisited one of my favorite past times, the theatre. A friend and I went to see the stage production of Oscar Wilde's only novel, The Picture of Dorian Gray. While watching the play it dawn on me how we has human beings imitate the beauty and sometimes twisted nature of art. Art is the outlet of dreams, expression of the soul, the vivid expression of creativity, but if you think about those same words can represent the very real images of life as well. In the play, the main character Dorian Gray is the object of affection to one of his friends, Basil. Basil paints this gorgeous portrait of Dorian however, it startles Dorian because it captures his innocence and youth. Like most of us, afraid of getting old, Dorian exchanges his soul to keep physical youth and have the portrait of himself take the beatings of life. While exchanging his soul Dorian also exchanges morality for condemnation and compassion for heart-less rage.

As the play progressed I realized, how true life really does imitate art. From 9/11 to the first man on the moon, both of those in their own right would be considered figments in someone's imagination, in fact Destination Moon was 1950 film about man traveling to the moon, 19 years later Neil Armstrong stepped his way into history books. Now granted those are two extreme examples of life imitating art, just observe and think about the everyday actions and images and connect them with the surreal world of art, but nowadays its seems the reverse, art is real, life is surreal.


I Am.....

I am a Black man, who has been weathered by many storms but still has made it on top.

I am a son, walking the prayers and dream of unconditional love

I am a Nigga, the title of fear from those who enslaved my ancestors but have the power of a King

I am hardcore, I'll rape your problem solver and leave you breathless waiting for more

I am a tempo, beating to the rhythm of the music in my heart

I am concern, for I care to much to let it go down like that

I am a griot, speaking light unto a darken path

I am forgiveness, for its what Christ does for me everyday

I am Alpha, but defiantly not Omega

I am biotic, the living element

I am boundless energy, waiting to erupt beauty and passion

I am human, for I fall in the west but raise in the east each every dawn

and I am grateful, for the present is a gift


Sunday, October 4, 2009

A Thought To Ponder.....

A local TV ad in Maine, states that if the same-gender marriage law is upheld by voters in November. That schools could be "mandated" to teach students about same-sex marriage and the law. Some argue its a true statement some disagree. What's your perspective?

You Got To Fight For Your Right......

Section 1 of the 14th Amendment reads as follows:

Section 1. All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

Ever since its ratification in 1868, this infamous amendment has been the foundation for thousands of cases including some monumental ones such as Brown v. Board, Elk v. Wilkins (which dealt with the citizenship of Native Americans), and Adkins v. Children's Hospital (which dealt with the federal minimum wage for women) just to name a few. Over the years, the 14th Amendment has been left open to varying degrees of interpretation for all who have felt disenfranchised. Now we come to a new era of discrimination and its struggle for equality.

The LGBT community has for years, lobbied for equal protection and equal rights. Why shouldn't we? We are just as deserving as anyone else. Hell I don't know how many hundreds of dollars in taxes that the government has taken out of my paychecks, let alone any other bull that they come up with that we all must comply with. But of course we live in a society which is always quick to throw out "separation of church and state." That "separation" might as well be as existent as a physical Mason- Dixon line. Yes, rather we like it or not everything is centered around morality and religion, which is quite ironic seeing this whole country from the header to footer is corrupt in their own lovely way!

I would be remiss if I didn't mention the strides that the LGBT community has made in the past 30-40 years, but we still have a long way to go! If you haven't been following here is a few things you have missed:

The U.S. House's Education and Labor Committee two weeks ago held a hearing on the inclusive Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA), which would prevent employment discrimination, special treatment, or retaliation based on sexual orientation or gender identity.

Organizations like the Human Rights Campaign has launched a grassroots campaign called "No Excuses" which is trying to hold Congress accountable and demand action on equality issues throughout the country in several popular jurisdictions.

A friend of mine who works for the Boston based, Gay & Lesbians Advocates and Defenders has for some weeks now been trying to protect same-gender marriage in Maine and the approval of Referendum 71.

And of course, October 10-11 here in DC will be the National Equality March which hopes to an even greater network of advocates for equality.

Here is a few examples along with the other hundreds, of the modern day interpretation of the 14th Amendment. It is not to say or dismiss the other struggles and perils that can be justified by the 14th Amendment; its just at this point in time in my life as I am learning more about myself; I have moved passed the immature stages of the gay lifestyle and now stepping in to a world of meaning, that can ultimately affect not only me but majority of my friends as well.

In future blogs I will continue to state my opinions about the fight equality and my own personal outlook on the LGBT community. But for right now, its all about the fight and making the fight known. You don't have to be a same-gender loving person to join in, nor do you always have to agree with some of the actions of LGBT people, but just think how many times we all been judged on our actions and seen as the outlier?!?! All we are asking for, better yet all I am asking far is respect. I never knew it was so difficult to gain just a mustard-seed size of respect.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Man of The Week

Football season is now in session! So this week I chose the cute and former tight end for my hometown team the Cleveland Browns, Kellen Winslow Jr

Let My People Go

As many of you heard or may not have heard, Black America is under attack! Now we have been attacked by this epidemic before but for some reason I don't understand why we continuously fall into the same trap every time! Ignorance is our downfall. This past Monday it was ignorance that took the life of 16 year old Honor student Derrion Albert. A few days later it is ignorance again that has sent a massive wave of people both Black and White, uploading videotaped fights on to youtube, twitter, facebook, and myspace. And for what?!?!? I can't wrap my mind around why Black Americans feel this urge to show their asses! I cannot find the glamour in ignorance, and if there is any can someone please point it out to me! The sense-less death of Master Derrion left me personally, with a tear-stained face, anger, and regret; regret in the fact that our community, Derrion's community have failed! And to make matters worse, people have used this young man's death to glorify ignorance and shame! WHEN WILL WE LEARN? WHEN WILL WE GROW THE FUCK UP? No matter what age or generation, Black Americans are always perpetuating the foolery and never taking a second to highlight the uplifting or motivating aspects of our community; the cycle just continues. In teaching I have found this one thing to be true, I can stand in front of my classroom and try to make a difference , moan and bewail to my students how important they are and how they need to leave the bullshit alone, but all that means nothing at 3:30. When they leave the walls of school they step right back in to the zone of ignorance and everything that my colleagues and I have taught gets tossed to the wayside. I pray that one day the light bulb will come on and I hope soon because if we continue down this path it will lead to nothing more than destruction and have our futures hanging in the balance. When will the modern day Black Moses come or has he or she already come and we missed the Exodus? But more importantly when will MY people be liberated from the cycle of ignorance!

Musical Interlude # I

I'm back are you happy!!! Sorry Ladies and Gents I'll been under a mound of paper work and lesson plans. I have survived my first formal observation and now I am starting to find a balance between my professional lfe and my personal life. So I am so happy to return and let all my thoughts pour out onto the pages of this blog.

This has been your public service annocement!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

The Quest for Acceptance

Diversity of any kind is an important quality of any community and I strongly agree that its imperative to have different perspectives of life, but what happens when your own view of yourself becomes lost and distorted in a wave of loneliness and rejection from all walks of life. Since I can remember I have always face and dealt with the quest for acceptance. I have to admit that the past 14 years of my life have been a very uneasy journey internally for me! Some days I come home questioning and wondering why am I here? Why can't I imagine myself letting go of this judgmental and cruel world? Why do I find it hard for me to love myself? Why do find it hard to live and breathe and to step out as an individual? Im tired of being the door mat! Im tired of giving my all when all I get in return is a slap in the face and a kick in the ass. Im tired of not having a voice when I need it! Im tired of hiding my true feelings because I know mainstream Black America cant deal! Im tired of being tired and Im reaching out for help but all I see is tears blurring my vision, blurring my dreams, blurring my problem solver! I will continue walking on my quest for acceptance, hell I already walked a thousand miles while everyone was asleep and I will walk a million more until I find out what this shit means!!!! But hopefully I wont be walking all my life!

Friday, September 18, 2009

Speak Over Yourself

These past two days my colleagues and I have really been in the trenches. We have been fighting battles with our students, fighting battles with our employer, and fighting battles in our personal lives. With our economy in a shit hole it should have come as now surprise that DCPS was going to make a round of budget cuts and lay-off teachers and staff. Although I have been reassured that my job is not at stake you still can't help but worry! After work today I visited a friend who like many of us young adults are struggling trying to make the ends meet. Two out of my three best friends are having trails and tribulations. It hurts me to see them breakdown into tears as they wonder "when is my season of rain going to come?" This is the time more than ever that we have to not only lean on our faith and each other, but also lean ourselves, encourage ourselves. Donald Lawrence made an absolutely wonderful song that ministers to this very topic. Encouraging yourself may at times when you're really going through seems dumb but this past summer I had my little trial and everyday I spoke encouragement to myself and let me tell you its a hard thing to do when you live in the society the sets you up to syke yourself out. But not matter what you're going through just look in the mirror and speak over yourself, motivate yourself, whisper love on to yourself.  Try it you might find an outlet for your pain and some healing in the process. 

Man of the Week

This week's pick is the cute and sexxxy Adam Rodriguez who I saw doing his thing in the new Tyler Perry movie "I Can Do Bad All By Myself" 

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Round Midnight

Its amazing yet interesting how people have these epiphanies and sometimes life altering moments late in the midnight hour. Around 12:47 last night as I sat and graded papers, I had this tug on my heart and mind. The weird thing is at first I really didn't know what it was all about. Earlier that day I had been doing a lot of thinking about everything that was going on in my life. But at 12:47 one of those thoughts just seemed to dominate my mind. I knew eventually that this point would come but I didn't think it would happen so soon because when you're young you think the world is your foot stool. But life quickly puts you back into place. I have a weakness, a strong-hold that has burdened my mind and heart. Never before had I looked at it as weakness but round midnight the midst had cleared and the veld lifted. I wish a plan of action had followed that little revelation; hey may be it will come tonight, who knows?

It begins to tell, round midnight
I do pretty well, till after sundown;
suppertime I'm feelin sad,
but it really gets bad
round midnight!

Monday, September 14, 2009

WTF!! Knaye

Kanye should be ashamed of himself! Lately Kanye has been falling off the deep end and each every time we see him he continues to sink deeper. Its amazing the shit people do to get 30 seconds and I bet you any amount of money that he had it all worked out in that circle-crop head of his just so we could have something to say about him today. Well Kanye you got your wish and the top spot on the covers of almost every newspaper after his sudden remarks at the VMAs last night in New York City. Although Mr. West may not have it all up there at least his does have a conscience and the decency to apologize. And poor little Taylor standing up there looked like she had scene a ghost (she already pale though), man the whole situation was just pure madness.

A speaking of madness, the whole the damn VMA show was a mess! Now granted it was 10x better than the BET awards but still it was like a circus. Lady GaGa walking around looking like a hot tamale and bird's nest, the host was tad bit strange, every other word out of the people's mouth on the stage was a cuss word, and then you have this random side stage for Kid Cudi and Wale and then have all these no name White bands perform every break chance you get which I think was so not kool! (How you do Cleveland like that?!??!) and then you have Joe Jackson there the kraziest man of them all!!!

The night did have some highlights like Janet Jackson's tribute, Pink flipping in the air, my girl B rockin it out to Single Ladies and then turning around giving Taylor here time to shine after it was cut from her (that was so sweet), and lastly although I didn't think it should have been the closing performance the Jay-Z & Alicia Keys calibration was kinda hot to me.

Overall the VMAs provided me and my French friend some great entertainment while we graded papers. Gosh don't you love America?!??!

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Growing Pains

For the past couple of months I have been experiencing some pains. At first they were indescribable but as time went on I begin to realize that I was experiencing the growing pains of life. The whole transition from undergrad to back to Ohio, to finding a place to live in DC, to preparing for this fellowship program, plus teaching and some other crap! Let's just say I've been a man on a thousand missions, but in the back of my mind I am tired and overwhelmed on these missions. I put a smile on my face and press on but after today's events I realized that life is a down-right BITCH! We all have these dreams of how when we first moved out on our own what life would be like, and lets just say I am only meeting 2 out of my like 10 expectations! But you know those are the growing pains that we all go through and that is something I am finding out each and everyday. I walk around DC and see hundreds of people looking like they have it together including myself but you never know what's going on underneath. Although today's events totally had me blown, I'm still a very blessed young man. Mama said there will be days like this but from my last post the beauty of today is that it will become yesterday. I am glad for my growing pains because its making me a stronger individual sometimes I wish they weren't as frequent but the PROGRESS IS BEAUTIFUL!

Friday, September 11, 2009

Just A Thought

In light and remembrance of the 9/11 attacks here is just a thought we all can live by.

There are two days in every week about which we should not worry, two days which should be kept free from fear and apprehension. One of those days is yesterday with all its mistakes and cares, its faults and blunders, its aches and pains.

Yesterday has passed forever beyond our control. All the money in the world cannot bring back yesterday. We cannot undo a single act we performed; we cannot erase a single word we said. Yesterday is gone forever.

The other day we should not worry about is tomorrow with all its possible adversities, its burdens, its large promise and its poor performance; tomorrow is also beyond our immediate control.

Tomorrow's sun will rise, either in splendor or behind a mask of clouds, but it will rise. Until it does we have no stake in tomorrow, for its yet to be born. This leaves only one day, today. Any person can fight the battle of just one day. It is when you and I add the burdens of those awful eternities yesterday and tomorrow that we break down.

It is not the experience of today that drives a person mad, it is the remorse or bitterness of something which happended yesterday and the dread of what tomorrow may bring.

Let us, therefore live but one day at a time!

Man of the Week

After a short and stressful week I came home and turned on the box to find my man of the week. Demarco Majors from the Logo mini-series Shirts & Skins. He is definitely one of my favorites!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

The Black Male Teacher: An Endangered Species

One day a friend of mine forwarded me a discussion blog. The question asked was how do we get more Black male teachers? Current dialogue among Black Congressional members state the scare numbers of Black male teachers in public schools. As a new Black male teacher I felt that I would shed some light to the reasons why I became a teacher here is my response.

This is a very passionate topic for me since I,myself have embarked on the journey of teaching the youth of the District of Columbia. There is a deficiency of Black male teachers everywhere, that is a very true and real statement. It is not to say that Black males do not exist within the educational system but their role is not in the classroom instructing it is either administrative or coaching. The power of the presence of Black males in urban schools can make a world of difference. Time and time again you hear about the achievement gap and how wide its spreading. Our Black and Hispanic children are the ones who are suffering because, one: there are ineffective teachers who do not create a culture of achievement or set rigorous academic goals due to stereotypes or negative past interactions; and secondly, there is no mirror image of them standing in the front of the classroom.

Most of my students read below their grade level and have a math computation level equal to 6 and 7 graders. Question is are they at fault for their lack of gateway skills? The answer is to some degree yes due to other circumstances, but the bulk of the failure falls upon their previous teachers!

As educated Black men sometimes we forget the struggles we had to overcome in order to get where we are, especially in the classroom. Why not give back and help another brother achieve as well? There is a difference between being a mentor and being a teacher. A mentor is a wonderful resources but they are not the ones who are in the trenches 5 days a weeks 6-7 hours a day. That is a lot of time to influence the lives our young children. A teacher is more than a teacher, sometimes we act as a mentor, counselor,a social worker, a shoulder to cry on, and even a cheering squad and we have to balance all of that while trying to create rigorous, engaging, standard-based lessons, follow the protocol of school bureaucracy and deal with our own personal lives. Teaching is not easy but it is rewarding and most rewarding for our Black males when they can see another Black male spitting knowledge other than the hottest rap song and modeling a culture of professionalism and achievement.

So why become a teacher? One reason is to train the future’s next critical thinkers who are committed to life-long learning; who embrace multiculturalism and tolerance for all individuals no matter what socioeconomic, educational, or geographic background they may come from or encounter. Another reason is to be a positive consistent force in our Black students' life. Another reason is to reclaim our youth and redirect them to something better than the perils of the street. But more importantly, there is nothing greater than feeling like you are needed, that you have made a difference in the lives of not just 1 but dozens and maybe even hundreds of dozens. You have the ability to mold another productive son, daughter, brother, sister, cousin, uncle, aunt, father, mother and citizen of the United States.

There are programs who are recruiting highly qualified men to teach. Currently I am DC Teaching Fellow which provides me with a network of resources ranging from professional development to even paying off my debts. There are teaching programs like that everywhere in the U.S. (Baltimore, Philadelphia, Chicago, New York, Miami, Houston) Also schools across the country are paying for teachers to increase their credentials and earn degrees at little to no cost. There are award programs, incentives, and resources for teachers. Teaching is one of the world's oldest and most respected professions. I encourage you to seriously think about it. You never know what you are capable of doing.Time and chance come to us all, the time is now to make a difference. The classroom is the foreground in which chance and change meet, all that remains is one question; are you willing to accept the challenge? My answer with steadfast confidence is yes, I am ready to accept the challenge.

In the words of Roland Martin, "That's my perspective, what's yours?!?!?"

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Thank You Mr. President

Thousands tuned in, including my class to watch President Obama give his back to school pep talk in NOVA. Like so many I was truly interested in hearing what words of encouragement the President had to offer even in the midst of the controversy surrounding his visit. So we geared up the computer screen and pressed play. Two minutes in one of my students said, "man this is some bullshit!" In disbelief of his sudden outburst, I ask my student what was the issue? He continues and says: "Mr. H this is whack! Why we got to see him give a speech to some kids who really don't need it! We live in the same city with the man but he didn't come speak at any of our schools when started school! He ain't nothing but talk!"

With in seconds the rest of my students shook their heads in agreement, and to some degree so did I. DC public schools have been in session now for 3 weeks; now granted President Obama may have been traveling when the first day of school hit the District but it is amazing how the very constituents of the city he lives in feel slighted. Today's symbol of change and "Yes We Can" has now become nothing more than another Black man with plenty of promises but no actions in the eyes of my students. I still have 100% faith in our President and think he is very capable but how do I rekindle that faith in my students?

Its hard to especially when you're dealing with students who have lost hope due to being lied to, hurt, abandoned, isolated, and disenfranchised educationally and economically. Instead of watching the rest of the broadcast we spent the rest of the period reflecting on the comment as well as another activity. I really do empathize with my students and although they give me hell some days they have been some of the most helpful critics. I do appreciate the President for taking the time to inspire the youth. Hopefully I can try it again and help them realize the importance, positivity, and overall the reality of life that yes, there are disappointments but don't let your disappointments dictate your outlook at a better life.

If you missed the the speech check it out on:

Monday, September 7, 2009

Go Tell It On The Mountain

October 10 & 11 join hundreds of supporters, friends, and member of the LGBT community here in DC as we march for equality.

Our One Single Demand:
Equal protection in all matters governed by civil law in all 50 states. We will accept no less and will work until it is achieved. Equality Across America exists to support grassroots organizing in all 435 Congressional Districts to achieve full equality.

Equal Protection encompasses many issues, including:

1. Repeal of the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) so that every marriage in every state has the same federal rights.
2. Repeal of Don't Ask, Don't Tell so that LGBT persons may serve in the military openly and with the same rights as their straight counterparts.
3. An end to workplace discrimination for everyone with an Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA) that protects everyone.
4. The right to adopt children and raise families like any other parents.
5. Hate Crimes legislation that includes LGBT people and protects us like any other targeted group.
6. Immigration reform that recognizes same-sex couples and ends the needless separation of families.
7. A comprehensive anti-bullying policy in our schools via the Safe Schools Improvement Act.

For More info checkout: http://equalityacrossamerica.org

Be sure to spread the Word!

A Heart-Felt Intro...

When all else fails, just write!
Write until someone hears you!
Write now,
Write tomorrow,
Write forever!

And with those very words, thats what I intend to do. I have been quiet for far too long and even when I do speak I feel like a shadow in the background no matter how loudly I speak. So I had to take it back to one of my childhood past times. Writing has always been an outlet for many of us and sometimes we lose sight of that, I know I did! So starting today you are about to get a piece of me. A piece that has been locked and hidden under cobwebs and dust. Yesterday a friend reminded me that I have some shit to say and if others can do why can't I? And you know what she was absolutely right! In all respects what I post here is nothing more than the lyrical thoughts from my heart. With each in every post I hope to dust away the cobwebs and allow not only you to see the picture but me as well!

Welcome to a journey!
Welcome to my journey!
Welcome to the musical prelude of HeartSoulja!