Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Thank You Mr. President

Thousands tuned in, including my class to watch President Obama give his back to school pep talk in NOVA. Like so many I was truly interested in hearing what words of encouragement the President had to offer even in the midst of the controversy surrounding his visit. So we geared up the computer screen and pressed play. Two minutes in one of my students said, "man this is some bullshit!" In disbelief of his sudden outburst, I ask my student what was the issue? He continues and says: "Mr. H this is whack! Why we got to see him give a speech to some kids who really don't need it! We live in the same city with the man but he didn't come speak at any of our schools when started school! He ain't nothing but talk!"

With in seconds the rest of my students shook their heads in agreement, and to some degree so did I. DC public schools have been in session now for 3 weeks; now granted President Obama may have been traveling when the first day of school hit the District but it is amazing how the very constituents of the city he lives in feel slighted. Today's symbol of change and "Yes We Can" has now become nothing more than another Black man with plenty of promises but no actions in the eyes of my students. I still have 100% faith in our President and think he is very capable but how do I rekindle that faith in my students?

Its hard to especially when you're dealing with students who have lost hope due to being lied to, hurt, abandoned, isolated, and disenfranchised educationally and economically. Instead of watching the rest of the broadcast we spent the rest of the period reflecting on the comment as well as another activity. I really do empathize with my students and although they give me hell some days they have been some of the most helpful critics. I do appreciate the President for taking the time to inspire the youth. Hopefully I can try it again and help them realize the importance, positivity, and overall the reality of life that yes, there are disappointments but don't let your disappointments dictate your outlook at a better life.

If you missed the the speech check it out on:

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