Saturday, September 12, 2009

Growing Pains

For the past couple of months I have been experiencing some pains. At first they were indescribable but as time went on I begin to realize that I was experiencing the growing pains of life. The whole transition from undergrad to back to Ohio, to finding a place to live in DC, to preparing for this fellowship program, plus teaching and some other crap! Let's just say I've been a man on a thousand missions, but in the back of my mind I am tired and overwhelmed on these missions. I put a smile on my face and press on but after today's events I realized that life is a down-right BITCH! We all have these dreams of how when we first moved out on our own what life would be like, and lets just say I am only meeting 2 out of my like 10 expectations! But you know those are the growing pains that we all go through and that is something I am finding out each and everyday. I walk around DC and see hundreds of people looking like they have it together including myself but you never know what's going on underneath. Although today's events totally had me blown, I'm still a very blessed young man. Mama said there will be days like this but from my last post the beauty of today is that it will become yesterday. I am glad for my growing pains because its making me a stronger individual sometimes I wish they weren't as frequent but the PROGRESS IS BEAUTIFUL!

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