Monday, September 7, 2009

A Heart-Felt Intro...

When all else fails, just write!
Write until someone hears you!
Write now,
Write tomorrow,
Write forever!

And with those very words, thats what I intend to do. I have been quiet for far too long and even when I do speak I feel like a shadow in the background no matter how loudly I speak. So I had to take it back to one of my childhood past times. Writing has always been an outlet for many of us and sometimes we lose sight of that, I know I did! So starting today you are about to get a piece of me. A piece that has been locked and hidden under cobwebs and dust. Yesterday a friend reminded me that I have some shit to say and if others can do why can't I? And you know what she was absolutely right! In all respects what I post here is nothing more than the lyrical thoughts from my heart. With each in every post I hope to dust away the cobwebs and allow not only you to see the picture but me as well!

Welcome to a journey!
Welcome to my journey!
Welcome to the musical prelude of HeartSoulja!

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