Friday, September 18, 2009

Speak Over Yourself

These past two days my colleagues and I have really been in the trenches. We have been fighting battles with our students, fighting battles with our employer, and fighting battles in our personal lives. With our economy in a shit hole it should have come as now surprise that DCPS was going to make a round of budget cuts and lay-off teachers and staff. Although I have been reassured that my job is not at stake you still can't help but worry! After work today I visited a friend who like many of us young adults are struggling trying to make the ends meet. Two out of my three best friends are having trails and tribulations. It hurts me to see them breakdown into tears as they wonder "when is my season of rain going to come?" This is the time more than ever that we have to not only lean on our faith and each other, but also lean ourselves, encourage ourselves. Donald Lawrence made an absolutely wonderful song that ministers to this very topic. Encouraging yourself may at times when you're really going through seems dumb but this past summer I had my little trial and everyday I spoke encouragement to myself and let me tell you its a hard thing to do when you live in the society the sets you up to syke yourself out. But not matter what you're going through just look in the mirror and speak over yourself, motivate yourself, whisper love on to yourself.  Try it you might find an outlet for your pain and some healing in the process. 

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