Friday, October 2, 2009

Let My People Go

As many of you heard or may not have heard, Black America is under attack! Now we have been attacked by this epidemic before but for some reason I don't understand why we continuously fall into the same trap every time! Ignorance is our downfall. This past Monday it was ignorance that took the life of 16 year old Honor student Derrion Albert. A few days later it is ignorance again that has sent a massive wave of people both Black and White, uploading videotaped fights on to youtube, twitter, facebook, and myspace. And for what?!?!? I can't wrap my mind around why Black Americans feel this urge to show their asses! I cannot find the glamour in ignorance, and if there is any can someone please point it out to me! The sense-less death of Master Derrion left me personally, with a tear-stained face, anger, and regret; regret in the fact that our community, Derrion's community have failed! And to make matters worse, people have used this young man's death to glorify ignorance and shame! WHEN WILL WE LEARN? WHEN WILL WE GROW THE FUCK UP? No matter what age or generation, Black Americans are always perpetuating the foolery and never taking a second to highlight the uplifting or motivating aspects of our community; the cycle just continues. In teaching I have found this one thing to be true, I can stand in front of my classroom and try to make a difference , moan and bewail to my students how important they are and how they need to leave the bullshit alone, but all that means nothing at 3:30. When they leave the walls of school they step right back in to the zone of ignorance and everything that my colleagues and I have taught gets tossed to the wayside. I pray that one day the light bulb will come on and I hope soon because if we continue down this path it will lead to nothing more than destruction and have our futures hanging in the balance. When will the modern day Black Moses come or has he or she already come and we missed the Exodus? But more importantly when will MY people be liberated from the cycle of ignorance!

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