Saturday, October 17, 2009

When Will Love Conquer All?

you said you'd never go away
but your gone and, I'm right back where I used be
wondering if you were for me!

One of life's greatest mysteries is will we ever find true love? We search high and low looking for the "one" and when we do for some it marks the beginning of a beautiful journey, but for most of us when we find true love our journeys are marked with joy but the road is often rocky. Rather you are gay or lesbian or a straight interracial couple, your right to love, find love, or to express that love is ill-considered, injudicious, undesirable, just plain Wrong! You would have thought that after the landmark Loving v. Virginia, which declared the ending of race-based restrictions on marriage, that in 2009 a loving interracial couple would be denied to express their love in the beauty of marriage all because of some racist and insensitive bastards.

A representative from the National Black Justice Coalition states it best:

“Time and again we have seen public officials discriminate against loving, committed couples and claim that their discrimination is really motivated by concern for children. That justification is wrong when it’s used to deny marriage to a couple on the basis of their race. It’s wrong when it’s used to prevent committed gay and lesbian couples from being able to marry. And it’s our responsibility to speak out against it, whenever it happens.

“Every child who is a minority faces discrimination, exclusion and oppression at some point in their lives. It is actions like those of this state official – refusing to marry a loving couple because of personal prejudice – that perpetuate the discrimination and racism that continue to pervade our culture.

A speaking of children, there are thousands of children born to interracial parents who grow up to be strong, independent and productive citizens of the United States! HELO LOOK AT PRESIDENT OBAMA!!! I wonder what would happen if the shoe was on the other foot? If these racist and homophobia pricks were shunned because of who they loved? I just don't understand when will we look beyond race, gender, sexual orientation, or age and just see that we all in this beautiful struggle in the human condition. When will America start taking accountability for their actions and actually right their wrongs and live up to the notion that all men are created equal by their CREATOR, not by Keith Bardwell or Congress, or any other bastard! Hopefully one day the light will come to the darkness like an epiphany, and that at the end of the day love will conquer all!

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